I often find myself scrambling through my apartment searching for a photo, pattern, postcard, book, note, etc. that I have stashed away for whatever reason. I am inspired by so many things that I seem to lose track... So being the neat freak that I am, I have decided to start a blog and keep all of my inspirational clutter in one place: here! I hope to encourage others to do, see, make, create, taste, listen and explore with me.
Speaking of inspiration, last night, President Obama addressed congress. I found his words to be intelligent, straight-forward and realistic. In the spring of 2008, I worked on a photo project documenting the ever-changing Central District of Seattle, WA. I could not help but direct my attention and point my camera at all of those supporting Barack in this diverse neighborhood.
Here are a few of my favorites:

I have noticed that in this neighborhood, and the one I currently live in on the North end of Capitol Hill, people still have their Obama posters, signs and stickers up for all to see. I truly appreciate living an area full of people who admire Barack Obama as much as I do.
On a less serious note, I am really hoping for an SNL skit regarding the address, because Nancy Pelosi was pretty comical jumping out of her seat every minute. I can only imagine what Kristen Wiig could do with this...