Hands down, one of the best markets in Seattle is the Fremont Sunday Market. It's open all year long, there are tons of antique and vintage vendors, and the street food is unique and delicious (cheap, too!). Yesterday I found a baker's rack/plant stand which stands about 6' tall. Damian was not happy to load it into the subaru, but he was overjoyed when I pointed out that it could serve as a bookshelf since we've been dying to get rid of his old target bookshelf for many years. When I reminded him that he would never have to move the old, decrepit bookshelf again, he practically cried. While this was a great find (and a deal, to boot!), my favorite treasures from yesterday's trip are two pieces of vintage decorator fabric.

This pattern puts me right back on my grandmother's wing-backed couch. And best of all, the fabric even smells just like her house!

I might just have to make this piece into a pillow and rest my head on it while watching reruns of The Golden Girls; our favorite way to relax after a long day of four-leafed clover hunting.

This one is a little more masculine. It reminds me of some of the fabrics at Ikea right now, but much better, of course, since it's the real deal...
And the colors are absolutely amazing. The vibrant blue behind the orange hues really pops. This piece is a little smaller, but it was the last of the lot, so I just had to snatch it. I'll think of something to do with it one of these days.