
Watermelon + Cilantro

I was introduced to a very simple but refreshing dessert while I was in Mexico - cubed watermelon topped with fresh cilantro. I caught Morgen, an editor from L.A. who partook in the yoga instructor training, preparing this in Fernando's kitchen after our evening classes. Eventually she began requesting it in restaurants when we ate out. We all eyed her as if she were crazy, but perhaps we really just felt guilty for indulging in our calorie-laden chocolate cake and cardamom ice cream (also delicious).


September Surprise

I was a bit bummed to have missed the peak of berry season here in the Pacific Northwest. While we had plenty of papaya and the most magnificent of manilla mangos in Mexico, I couldn't help but dream of topping my yogurt with a handful of blueberries every once in awhile. Luckily, I made it home just in time to pick an abundance of cherry tomatoes from the makeshift garden in the backyard of my aunt's house where I have been staying in Ravenna. This is the second basketful in two days... Apparently due to the unfortunate weather (which I fortunately missed while away) the tomatoes are ripening late. Fine by me.